Spider Veins Treatment in New Jersey Overview
What Is the Definition of Spider Veins?
A spider vein is a type of telangiectasia, which is a small, permanently dilated blood vessel. They often appear as a group of lines with a central point and outward radiations that resemble spider legs. Spider veins are common, particularly on the legs, and are often harmless. But they’re also associated with several medical conditions, including chronic venous insufficiency, so it’s important to visit a vein clinic in New Jersey if they’re bothering you. Venous insufficiency causes continual intravenous pressure, which is an impetus of vein dilation and spider vein formation.
What Are the Common Causes of Spider Veins?
Telangiectasias commonly develop on the face and lower extremities, impacting over 50% of women and nearly 50% of men in the United States. When they form on your face, they’re often the result of sun exposure, skin damage, hormone changes, or conditions like Rosacea or Lupus. When spider veins appear on your legs, they’re usually caused by chronic venous insufficiency. This occurs when tiny valves inside the vein don’t seal shut after blood passes through, thereby causing blood to accumulate in the vein, or even flow down toward your feet, increasing venous pressure. Valve failure is more common in veins in the lower extremities, since they must pump blood the furthest to get to the heart, battling gravity and pressure from walking and standing to complete the job. Many patients don’t know they have chronic venous insufficiency, and aren’t aware of how their unexplained symptoms correlate to the disease. While some patients have asymptomatic spider veins, others visit our vein clinics in NJ state with heaviness, itchiness, cramping, restlessness, and swelling in their legs. Treating spider veins at the surface won’t fix this underlying disease, so it’s important to visit an accredited vein clinic in New Jersey if you’re at risk. Read on to learn who is more susceptible to spider veins and chronic venous insufficiency.
Are You at Risk of Spider Veins?
If you’re older than 30, you are at a heightened risk of developing spider veins, particularly if you’re female. High estrogen and progesterone cause veins to dilate, weakening vein walls and valves, so birth control plays a role. In addition, the extra blood volume in veins during pregnancy, and vein pressure from the expanding uterus make spider veins more likely. Genetic predisposition is a top predictor of spider veins, particularly if your mother and father each have them. Other factors to consider are obesity, standing or sitting all day for work, injuries, and blood clots. Our vein clinics in New Jersey assess your risk and help prevent future spider veins.
Why Do People Get Spider Veins?
Several things cause vein walls to weaken and form spider veins, but the common denominator is usually chronic venous insufficiency. Spider veins are the visible evidence that your circulation is impaired by leaky valves deeper in your veins. While they aren’t lovely to look at, spider veins are a helpful clue that your circulation might need medical attention.
What Spider Vein Symptoms Prompt a New Jersey Vein Clinic Visit?
If your main gripe with spider veins is their appearance, our vein doctors in NJ state can quickly eliminate them from sight. But, for some patients, the issue is more serious, involving symptoms like burning, throbbing, heaviness, and even refractory ulcerations, particularly if they stem from vein disease. Whether they affect your self-confidence or your quality of life, spider veins are worth a visit to our vein clinics in New Jersey.
How Do Vein Clinics in New Jersey Treat Spider Veins?
Treatment is optional for some patients, but many choose it for healthier looking skin. Others require medical intervention to address the underlying issue. Our vein specialists in NJ state are experts at everything from superficial sclerotherapy treatments to comprehensive vein disease care.
What Is the Best Treatment for Spider Veins?
Each patient’s vein system is unique, complete with different venous connections and different weak spots within their veins. What’s right for you might not be right for your friend, or even your relative. Always seek a thorough exam by a board-certified vein doctor for safe treatment at a vein clinic in New Jersey. Finding the root of the issue is key to keeping those pesky spider veins away.
Foam or Liquid Sclerotherapy:
One of the top treatments for spider veins, sclerotherapy is an in-office procedure that’s remarkably gentle, safe, and successful. Our vein doctors inject either a foamed or liquid irritant into the spider vein to destroy it, after numbing your skin. This fast, painless procedure has you back on your feet immediately.

Endоvеnоuѕ Lаѕеr Ablation:
This treatment directs lasers at the vein’s walls to combat venous insufficiency. It’s a safer choice than surgery for most patients and is outpatient, requiring only local anesthetics. However, it might cause bruising and discomfort, which is why our vein clinics in NJ typically opt for the radiofrequency method of ablation described below.

Compression Stockings.
Wearing support stockings, or compression stockings, is an easy way to address spider veins at home. The compression enhances blood flow, preventing blood from pooling in the veins. While they won’t change the appearance of spider veins, they will improve the bothersome symptoms and help prevent the development of new spider veins. Proper fitting is essential to ensure safety and efficacy. Have your doctor conduct a formal measurement before buying compression stockings.

Surface Laser Treatments:
Skin laser therapy differs from endovenous laser ablation in that it’s primarily for the cosmetic treatment of veins at the skin’s surface. It won’t improve venous insufficiency like endovenous lasers or RF ablation will. It’s best for the tiniest veins and is sometimes paired with sclerotherapy for better results, if your skin is amenable to it (those with sensitive skin or skin conditions might not be eligible).

Medical Compression Stockings:
While they won’t eliminate spider veins, support stockings help some patients manage the symptoms of spider veins. The consistent pressure they apply helps your leg veins pump blood to your heart to reduce pooling and swelling. They aren’t right for everyone, and won’t work without proper sizing, so visit our NJ vein specialists for a professional fitting.

Frequent Exercise:
Daily movement is essential to healthy circulation. Each time your leg muscles contract, your veins get a boost that helps them pump blood to the heart. Both sitting and standing for long periods are taxing on your veins, since they don’t assist this task. Take the stairs at the office between meetings or walk around your building while consulting with colleagues. When you’re stuck at your desk, incorporate movements like seated calf raises, ankle rotations, and lifting your heels off the floor until your knees touch the underside of your desk. Exercising can’t erase current spider veins, but it can help prevent them and minimize the troubling symptoms.